Wolves Hunting and What They Eat
Carnivores are animals that eat meat, wolves are carnivores. They eat animals that they kill. When wolves are hunting they travel in single file. They work as a team to survive. Wolves have noses that detect things 100 times greater than human noses. Sometimes they travel great distances to hunt. This isn't very difficult for them because they have great stamina and strength, they can travel 24-28 m. per hour. Wolves hunt ungulates, which serve as their main meal. Ungulates are animals with hooves, like moose, deer and caribou. Beavers also serve as a main meal. Sometimes wolves also hunt smaller animals for a snack like a rabbit or mouse. But they are not a threat to humans. Wolves can eat as much as 100 pounds of meat at a time, then they don't eat again for many days. Ravens eat the leftovers from the wolves' kill, in return they help the wolves hunt. In winter, the wolves follow animal tracks and try not to be seen. Sometimes the wolf pups dash for the animal and ruin the hunt.
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